MACC 2017 – Track Speakers Invitation

2017 Midwest Architecture Community Collaboration Event

Architecture and Digital Transformation:

The Future is now: Positioning Architecture to Transform the Enterprise

Presented By

The Midwest Architecture Community Collaboration

Is Requesting Speaker Applications

Deadline of  August 29, 2017

download Speakers application



We are excited to announce that we are planning our third annual Midwest Architecture Community Collaboration (MACC) Conference! We are thrilled to report that our first and second events in 2014 and 2015 were remarkable successes as well as our Workshop in 2015 and 2016, and we’re excited to bring the community together again in November 2017. Together we represent the complement of established professional architecture communities in the upper Midwest and we believe that we will all benefit if we create opportunities for us to collaborate together!

We are starting our event this year with a one-day hands-on workshop on November 8 at the Doubletree Hotel Park Place Minneapolis location. This workshop will follow the architecture delivery process end-to-end for a solution using requirements gathering and evaluation techniques, and a tool demonstration for capturing and modeling architecture value. Space is limited in this day-long session: watch for more information at the MACC website and on social media to register and attend!

Our main conference will be held on Thursday, November 9th, and will feature a keynote lineup featuring George Paras the editor in chief of Architecture and Governance Magazine, Joel Crabb, Vice President of Architecture at Target, Len Fehskens Chief Editor Journal of Enterprise Architecture, David Lounsbury is Chief Technical Officer CTO) for The Open Group with additional thought leaders in architecture. MACC is designed to bring all of the domains of architecture and architects together to share information and techniques of interest to all of us; we believe that we will vastly increase our relevance and significance to business success by opening up to learning from each other and working together. As a presenter at the conference, you will have the opportunity to share your expertise, case studies and experience with an anticipated 300 architects, leaders, and IT and business professionals from the podium and throughout the day.

We are currently accepting speaking applications for presentations during our track sessions. The deadline to submit an application is August 29, 2017.

Our tracks include:

Digital Business Strategies — Change is sweeping the business landscape at such a furious pace that yesterday’s ways of thinking are not finding much relevance today. We’ve seen how each and every industry is being disrupted by new entrants or incumbents doing things differently. AirBnB is disrupting the Hotel industry. Uber is disrupting the transportation space. Amazon has already made a lot of companies obsolete. The Digital tsunami is leaving no industry untouched. As an architect, where do you stand with respect to Digital transformation? What are the challenges and opportunities to the innovations that deliver better customer experiences and business value?

Security, Privacy and Social Impacts — Cyber Security became essential when the number of Internet users started increasing around the world. Identity theft is a threat to any Web or social media user because of the very ease of access that makes the Web so powerful. Cybercrime, hacking, fake news, malware and other threats, as demonstrated by recent political, business and personal violations have shown; threaten the value and even viability of the Web as an open platform. Failure to recognize and conquer these risks can have an impact through brand erosion or attack campaigns against the enterprise’s core value and its bottom line. How does Architecture address these issues?

Applications, Analytics, the Cloud and DevOps — Trends such as Agile, Cloud Computing and DevOps are helping companies become more lean, flexible and responsive to market conditions. However, concerns about security, loss of quality and governance persist. What are the best practices for how companies are leveraging new tools and technologies to speed adoption and ease these concerns? How does Architecture fit into the Agile development process?

Tools and Technologies and Trends — If Architecture is to create readiness for future organizational success, the Architect needs to be on top of what is new in the market. What is exciting and new on the technology horizon? What is the role of architecture in helping organizations discover and adapt with and to disruptive technologies?

If you’re interested in presenting on a topic related to the above tracks, please submit the attached application no later than  August 10 to You can submit as many unique topic applications as you would like — we will review all submissions for possible inclusion in the conference.

All speaking applications will be considered, with the MACC Planning Committee making final selections in mid to late September. Submissions that will receive priority will cover information that is interesting, timely, relevant and actionable to delivering the architecture value proposition in organizations — including the latest trends, concepts, solutions, and the knowledge necessary to become a catalyst for innovation and value delivery. Participation in this event is a great way to gain exposure and network within the architecture community. Attendance is approximately 40 – 80 people per track session, with planned Conference attendance of 300 overall. Please fill out the information below and submit to the MACC Committee, via email to ( before August 29, 2017.



click here to download Speakers application

Speaker Name:                                                                               Phone:

Company Name:                                                                         Company Website:


Speaker biography (maximum of 100 words)

Speaking experience

Session Title:

Please indicate which tracks(s) could be most appropriate for your proposed session(s):

Digital Business Strategies                                           Applications, Analytics, the Cloud and DevOps

Security, Privacy and Social Impacts                         Tools and Technologies and Trends

Please provide a session description (maximum of 100 words). All sessions will be 55 minutes long including time for questions and answers.

If you scan this document, please also send an electronic text version of your session description.

Target Audience:                                                                               

Please indicate the session’s level of difficulty:

100–Beginner, no experience

200–Intermediate, some practical experience


We will provide the following for all speakers selected to participate at MACC 2017: LCD projector, screen, wireless microphone, internet connection and podium. Any unique set-up must be requested by October 15, 2017.
By signing this application, you are agreeing to deliver the session described above at MACC 2017 on November 9, 2017. If your topic is selected you will be contacted and provided further information and instructions as appropriate. You agree that you are aware of the deadlines that are listed on the following page.

Signature                                                                Date _______________


Please retain this list of deadlines for your records.

August 29, 2017 – Speaker application due to MACC Conference Director ( Applicants will be notified of final selection after review by the Planning Committee.

October 1, 2017 – If selected, submit your photo and any additions or changes to your speaker bio and session abstract.

September– Prepare your slideshow, demonstration and optional handouts using a template and design of your choosing.

September 28, 2017 — Submit your PPT a minimum of one week before the conference, earlier if possible.

Note: You are responsible for the printing of any handouts or supplementary materials you wish to provide. (Handouts are recommended.) Attendees will be provided with an electronic pdf format version of your presentation following the conference (as presented unless you explicitly request otherwise).

November 8 — MACC workshop, evening Speaker evening event

November 9 – Present at the MACC 17 Conference

Please contact us with any questions at or Youssef Haddad: 612-791-5544