MACC 2017 – Workshop

MACC 2017 Workshop

We are excited to announce that the Midwest Architecture Community Collaboration and Iasa Minnesota Chapter have collaborated on creating a one day architecture workshop to be held in conjunction with the MACC 2017 Conference: Architecture and Digital Transformation.

The workshop will provide the attendee with insight into how the Architecture disciplines can work together to support enterprise’s digital transformation.

Different methodologies exist for defining strategy, delivering business solutions, and defining an Architecture discipline’s space. In this workshop, we will work through a case study using a pragmatic approach and select artifacts from across the architecture domains.  A mix of presentation, group discussions, and exercises will be used to provide an understanding of the role each discipline plays.

This workshop is for all architects who want to understand a pragmatic approach to work collaboratively with other architects to deliver better business solutions.

We invite you to participate, contribute, collaborate and learn from colleagues across architectural disciplines.

For conference information Click here .

The workshop to be held on November 8, 2017 at the Double Tree Park Plaza Hotel Minneapolis.

To Register:

Contact information/questions:

Johan Wettstrom, (612) 275-2699 or

MACC’s purpose is“To bring all domains of architecture and architects together to share information, tools, and techniques. We believe that through collaboration, we can better understand and promote the value of architecture to business success.”